
the first draft

NaNoWriMo 2015: Conclusions

Well so much for my plans to blog every day during NaNoWriMo … or even to write an “end of NaNoWriMo 2015” post.  I wrote each day during November, and I “won” NaNoWriMo by reaching 50,000 words total on November 30.  Now that the white-hot streak of writing every day is long over, I find that many of the details […]

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NaNoWriMo 2015: Day One

I’ve attempted National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo) a couple of times in the past (once unofficially), but I’m going all out this year.  I normally dislike talking about word counts and “the writing process.”  It’s just not me.  But I figure if I’m going to blog about NaNo, I might as well go all the way! The last few days

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New Site/New Year

Happy Almost New Year!  I’ve made some changes to my business. Enlighten Writing is now the home of my freelance writing and editing business.  All of this blog’s posts currently exist at the Enlighten Writing site. So … what to do with this blog?  Honestly, I’m not sure right now.   The site that bears my name is now a showcase

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The Lucky Seven

Although Twitter and Facebook dominate the blogging and sharing spaces in our lives, there is something pretty special about blog memes.   A typical blog meme entails some kind of a list, then you “tag” your friends, ask them to make their own lists, tag more friends, and so on.  I fondly remember a few blog “meme tags” when I was

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Post-Dragon Blues

There is a subset of fantasy literature called Big Fat Fantasy (BFF).  Or door-stoppers … because they look like this. My first foray into BFF territory was Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.  I really enjoyed that series until Jordan created way too many plot, sub-plot, sub-sub-plot, and sub-sub-sub plot threads.  I gave up on that series in 2000.   I

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Freelance Writer: Borders

I’m sorry to see the end of Borders.  When I lived in Oklahoma, I looked forward to my bi-weekly Atomik Pop-and-Borders trip.   I bought tons of books, drank a lot of hot chai, and learned so much (as I said, I bought a lot of books there). When I moved to Portland, I shopped more often at Powells, but I

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The Novel

I have a guest post up at Natalia Sylvester‘s blog about the long, sometimes-humorous, sometimes-frustrating journey of my current Work in Progress, a galaxy-spinning novel that combines science fiction, mythology, and anything else rattling around inside my brain. I’m not big on setting up counters on word counts or progress meters or anything like that.  But  at the end of

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