freelance editor

Writing Projects

Happy October!  The awesome harvest moon is behind us, we’ve discovered a “Goldilocks planet,” and all those blaring ads on t.v. tell us that mid-terms are only a month away! I’ve been busy working on some freelance writing and editing projects (including a cool website content project) for my Portland clients. I also have a guest blog post at Martin […]

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Business Plan Writing

  Business plans are strange documents. Because they involve dream businesses, people tend to pour their emotions into them and lose all objectivity. Depending on your requirements, a business plan is an internal roadmap with milestones that you define. Or it’s a document you present to a bank officer for a loan. Or it’s a proposal you submit to angel

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Staying Active

Before I became a freelance writer, I knew I’d hit a point where I’d be near the end of a writing or editing project and wonder, “what do I do next?” I needed to have a plan of action … or better yet, a plan to stay active. Staring at a project’s completion point, it can be easy to get

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Milestones and goals are important when you begin a new venture.  They keep you grounded and give you something to work toward, whether you are paying off debt, losing weight, learning to play the guitar … or staring your own business. When I decided to start my own freelance writing and editing business, I knew milestones would be critical. Now,

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