
Cramped Futures

I like inventing futures.  It’s fun to think of what humans will be like a thousand years from now.  There are the “macro” factors, like economics, sexuality, art, politics, and starships (of course).  But part of the fun is also thinking of the minutiae. Will we still drink coffee in the year 3000? Will schools and learning be drastically different? […]

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Facebook Purgatory

It seems like a social media rite of passage to write about quitting Facebook.  Many hate its privacy (or anti-privacy) policies. Then there’s the company’s brazen admittance that it messed with its users emotions.  I get it.  I’m not a fan (friend?), either.  I’ve deactivated my account before, and I haven’t had the mobile app in years.  But I still

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New Site/New Year

Happy Almost New Year!  I’ve made some changes to my business. Enlighten Writing is now the home of my freelance writing and editing business.  All of this blog’s posts currently exist at the Enlighten Writing site. So … what to do with this blog?  Honestly, I’m not sure right now.   The site that bears my name is now a showcase

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Your Favorite Music

As a freelance writer near Portland, Oregon, I appreciate songs that are powerful and meaningful.   Portland is a music-loving city.  And, of all the content in the world, nothing brings people together or tears them apart more than a song.   Many of my friends, past and present, would happily classify themselves as music elitists.   I’m firmly in the “I

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Freelance Writer: Borders

I’m sorry to see the end of Borders.  When I lived in Oklahoma, I looked forward to my bi-weekly Atomik Pop-and-Borders trip.   I bought tons of books, drank a lot of hot chai, and learned so much (as I said, I bought a lot of books there). When I moved to Portland, I shopped more often at Powells, but I

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Island Time

I meant to write about my vacation a couple of months ago, but since the year is winding down, I thought I’d put this up now.  We all could use a dose (or a memory) of sunshine, after all, ;-) As an adult, vacations have always been strange for me.  (Every kid loves vacations!) As a Portland freelance writer, vacations

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The Great Buffy Re-Watch

My brain must be working through something. Or I’ve been hit by late-90s nostalgia. Or I’ve just missed good storytelling on television. Whatever the reason, I’ve recently become addicted to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  If you’re unfamiliar, the show is about a teenage girl (Sarah Michelle Gellar) who becomes The Slayer, a chosen one destined to fight demons in all

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November Rain

Hi all, hope everyone’s been well. Apologies on the lack of content here. I often have multiple ideas for blog posts and then run out of time to actually write them, haha. I think I’ll take a day and write a bunch and then post them at regular intervals. I’ve been working on four jobs for November, all different types

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Writing Projects

Happy October!  The awesome harvest moon is behind us, we’ve discovered a “Goldilocks planet,” and all those blaring ads on t.v. tell us that mid-terms are only a month away! I’ve been busy working on some freelance writing and editing projects (including a cool website content project) for my Portland clients. I also have a guest blog post at Martin

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Me and William Gibson

Many of us never meet the living authors who influence us. I met William Gibson, twice, before reading one word he had written. I’d known about William Gibson since the late 80s.  Cyberpunk, which WG helped pioneer, is a gritty, snarly, neon-in-rain, dystopian genre.   I was more of a Star Wars kind of kid.  Any time I’d mention that I

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