Website Content

Your Favorite Music

As a freelance writer near Portland, Oregon, I appreciate songs that are powerful and meaningful.   Portland is a music-loving city.  And, of all the content in the world, nothing brings people together or tears them apart more than a song.   Many of my friends, past and present, would happily classify themselves as music elitists.   I’m firmly in the “I […]

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Island Time

I meant to write about my vacation a couple of months ago, but since the year is winding down, I thought I’d put this up now.  We all could use a dose (or a memory) of sunshine, after all, ;-) As an adult, vacations have always been strange for me.  (Every kid loves vacations!) As a Portland freelance writer, vacations

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November Rain

Hi all, hope everyone’s been well. Apologies on the lack of content here. I often have multiple ideas for blog posts and then run out of time to actually write them, haha. I think I’ll take a day and write a bunch and then post them at regular intervals. I’ve been working on four jobs for November, all different types

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Writing Projects

Happy October!  The awesome harvest moon is behind us, we’ve discovered a “Goldilocks planet,” and all those blaring ads on t.v. tell us that mid-terms are only a month away! I’ve been busy working on some freelance writing and editing projects (including a cool website content project) for my Portland clients. I also have a guest blog post at Martin

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Website Content Writing

People surfing the web for a certain product or service – such as graphic design – are already half-sold when they visit a website. Well-written website content makes your products/services enticing.  It compels the prospect to click “order,” “buy,” or “e-mail for more information.”  Badly-written copy does the opposite.   Confused or bored surfers will leave your site and go to

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