NaNoWriMo 2015: Day One

I’ve attempted National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo) a couple of times in the past (once unofficially), but I’m going all out this year.  I normally dislike talking about word counts and “the writing process.”  It’s just not me.  But I figure if I’m going to blog about NaNo, I might as well go all the way!

The last few days have been a challenge.

I pulled my right calf muscle got a bad leg cramp a few days ago (probably while carrying my three-year-old), and then Sara and I took our kid trick-or-treating while rain made lakes out of streets. The neighbors a few doors down decided to throw a loud outdoor Halloween party that lasted until 1 a.m. (maybe later).  I tossed and turned with leg pain and finally dragged myself out of bed at 3:30 a.m.  I took some pain relievers and managed to fall asleep again … and overslept.  We had an appointment to keep at 12:30, so that gave me about two good hours to log my first 1,667 words.

Sara’s been super-supportive and even my kid sensed that “dada” needed to do something important.

Thankfully, I knew the scene I wanted to write, so I just sat down with my coffee and did it, eating breakfast at the halfway mark.

Before I knew it, I logged 1,683 words my first day of NaNoWriMo.  Here’s hoping tomorrow is less dramatic!

Day One:  Success!

Words: 1,683

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