Freelance Writing Resources, Part One

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance writer (or simply doing more freelance writing), there are online resources and freelance writer blogs that can help (well, several helped me, anyway).

I am still compiling various resources in my online journeys, and will write a “sequel” post to this when I find sites that are reliable lead generators/job getters. Some sites that I regularly surf (including mediabistro, ProBlogger, and Craig’s List) are good for reference, but I haven’t used them enough to endorse them.

Freelance Writers:

Chris Bibey. As I mentioned here, Chris’ informative posts helped me make the leap to freelance writing. He writes every day on topics that can help freelance writers, including how to stay motivated, how to find clients, and when to take up freelance writing.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Ms. Rusch is an award-winning writer and editor who is currently writing “The Freelancer’s Survival Guide,” which is full of valuable information for freelance writers. It covers the economics of the profession to healthcare insurance and even vacations. She is the real deal.

Tobias Buckell. I mentioned Tobias in the same post as Chris. Tobias is a successful freelance writer, and he has recently begun writing a guide for writers entitled, “It’s All Just a Draft.”

I hope those blogs help some of you. Let me know in the Comments section if I can include anything else!

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