

Here are a list of agencies helping people survive the disaster (earthquake/tsunami/radiation) in Japan: Network for Good I always donate to the following: Mercy Corps Oxfam Red Cross

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Pawn Stars

When I was a kid, my Mom and I passed a pawn store in my hometown.  I asked her what a pawn store did.  She told me.   I could tell she didn’t think that the concept of a pawn store was fair – giving up a beloved item for a fraction of its worth and then having to pay back

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Note on Blog Updates

My blog updates were pretty scatter-shot last year.  To remedy that, I plan to alternate between personal topics and more business/writing-related topics like my upcoming blog post on Local and Non-local Writing Clients.  I’ll most likely preface these posts or bracket them with a label. Also, I know that my current comment system is not the most convenient (comments are

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Island Time

I meant to write about my vacation a couple of months ago, but since the year is winding down, I thought I’d put this up now.  We all could use a dose (or a memory) of sunshine, after all, ;-) As an adult, vacations have always been strange for me.  (Every kid loves vacations!) As a Portland freelance writer, vacations

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The Great Buffy Re-Watch

My brain must be working through something. Or I’ve been hit by late-90s nostalgia. Or I’ve just missed good storytelling on television. Whatever the reason, I’ve recently become addicted to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  If you’re unfamiliar, the show is about a teenage girl (Sarah Michelle Gellar) who becomes The Slayer, a chosen one destined to fight demons in all

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November Rain

Hi all, hope everyone’s been well. Apologies on the lack of content here. I often have multiple ideas for blog posts and then run out of time to actually write them, haha. I think I’ll take a day and write a bunch and then post them at regular intervals. I’ve been working on four jobs for November, all different types

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Writing Projects

Happy October!  The awesome harvest moon is behind us, we’ve discovered a “Goldilocks planet,” and all those blaring ads on t.v. tell us that mid-terms are only a month away! I’ve been busy working on some freelance writing and editing projects (including a cool website content project) for my Portland clients. I also have a guest blog post at Martin

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Me and William Gibson

Many of us never meet the living authors who influence us. I met William Gibson, twice, before reading one word he had written. I’d known about William Gibson since the late 80s.  Cyberpunk, which WG helped pioneer, is a gritty, snarly, neon-in-rain, dystopian genre.   I was more of a Star Wars kind of kid.  Any time I’d mention that I

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Lauren Edwards: Content Strategist

Lauren Edwards is an experienced writing coach with 10 years of public relations expertise – first with A&R Partners, and then with Edelman.   Lauren gives some of the best writing advice I have ever read.   I’ve trained people how to write for specific audiences – primarily the lending, investing, and venture capital community.  This ain’t easy.  I write intuitively and

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Writing and Editing

I like to think of writing and editing the way a boxer might think of his fists.  One’s steel, the other is iron.  If one don’t get ya, the other one will. For me, the writing process is chaotic, disorderly, and powered entirely by imagination.  Whether I’m writing website content, brochure copy, book reviews, business plans, or fiction, I channel

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